Erasmus+ Going Digital - OLA Conference Vienna
The Online Learning Agreement Conference took place on the 25th of April 2019 between 8:00 - 17:00 at the University of Vienna.
Online Learning Agreement
The Online Learning Agreement+ project took the next bold steps ahead. Throughout 2018, during the Erasmus Going Digital conferences and workshops in Bergen, Budapest, Barcelona and Ghent, the future of the digital infrastructure for Erasmus+ mobilities were discussed and illustrated.
In April 2019, the University of Vienna hosted the next conference and workshop where the impact and the future developments of the Online Learning Agreement (OLA) system were showcased.
This conference featured a plenary session about the digitisation of student mobility in the 21st century, as well as the synergies between the Online Learning Agreement and the Erasmus Dashboard with the Erasmus Without Paper network, the Erasmus+ App, and the European Student Card Initiative, as well as other developments.
The OLA conference had a strong focus on practical sessions, allowing participants to try out the tools in hands-on workshops on how to use the Erasmus Dashboard, the Online Learning Agreement platform for studies and traineeships, as well as other interconnected tools like Erasmus+ App. It was the perfect opportunity to share experiences and good practices on how to introduce the digital mobility infrastructure in Erasmus+ workflows. Discussions about the next steps of Erasmus going digital within the next programme framework and about its implications for the Higher Education Institutions were held.
Participants were warmly invited to get acquainted with the tools beforehand — all the tools for students are freely available and so are the platforms for Higher Education Institutions.
(The links for all the tools can be found on this website on the right section of the menu under "Tools".)
Date: April 25th 2019
Time: 8:00 -17:00
Venue: University of Vienna, Universitätsring 1, 1010 Wien - Map for directions
Programme: Detailed programme here